Австралииски биотопни растения от А до М
Списък на биотопните растения в Австралия

От А до М
Acaena novae-zelandiae - Bidgee-widgee [swamp and lake wetlands]
Achyranthes aspera - Chaff flower [along rivers and creeks]
Acmella grandiflora var. grandiflora [Grows in swamps and wet areas]
Acmella grandiflora var. brachyglossa [swamps and wet areas]
Acrostichum speciosum - Mangrove Fern [mangroves, swamps]
Actinoscirpus grossus - Greater Club Rush [Found in swampy or flooded localities, billabongs]
Adriana urticoides (Adriana tomentosa) – Hairy Adriana [sand dunes, floodplains, watercourses, gorges, roadsides]
Adriana urticoides var. hookeri - Eastern bitter-bush [floodplains, creek banks, melaleuca swamps]
Adriana urticoides var. urticoides [floodplains, watercourses]
Aldrovanda vesiculosa - Waterwheel Plant [shallow freshwater billabongs]
Alisma plantago-aquatica – Great Water Plantain [creeks and swamps in water to 50 cm deep. Also in drying mud]
Alternanthera angustifolia - Narrowleaf Joyweed [creek and river banks]
Alternanthera angustifolia var. lanata [Creek and river banks]
Alternanthera denticulata - Lesser Joyweed [seasonal, instream and swamp wetlands]
Alternanthera ficoidea – Slender Joyweed
Alternanthera micrantha - Joyweed
Alternanthera nana - Hairy Joyweed [creek beds, river plains]
Alternanthera nodiflora - Common Joyweed [creek beds, river plains]
Alternanthera philoxeroides - Alligator Weed* [forms dense floating or rooted mats in aquatic and seasonally inundated land]
Alternanthera pungens - Khaki Weed [creek banks, drainage channels]
Alternanthera sessilis - Sessile Joyweed [swamps and pond margins]
Ammannia auriculata [swampy margins of streams]
Ammannia baccifera - Monarch Redstem [creeks and rivers banks, seasonally wet depressions, mud flats]
Ammannia multiflora - Jerry-jerry [along watercourses, lakes]
Ammannia pubiflora (Nesaea lanceolata var. pubiflora)
Ampelopteris prolifera - Fern [near water or in wet ground]
Amphibromus aff. nervosus - swamp wallaby-grass [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Amphibromus archeri - Pointed swamp wallaby-grass [ephemeral, seasonal, instream and swamp wetlands]
Amphibromus fluitans - River swamp wallaby-grass [seasonal and swamp wetlands]
Amphibromus macrorhinus - Long-nose swamp wallaby-grass [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Amphibromus neesii - Southern Swamp Wallaby-grass [ephemeral, seasonal, instream and swamp wetlands]
Amphibromus nervosus - Veined Swamp Wallaby-grass [ephemeral, seasonal, instream and swamp wetlands]
Amphibromus pithogastrus - Swollen swamp wallaby-grass [ephemeral wetlands]
Amphibromus recurvatus - Dark swamp wallaby-grass [swamp and lake wetlands]
Amphibromus sinuatus - Wavy Swamp Wallaby-grass [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Alocasia brisbanensis - Spoon Lily [along watercourses, moist areas]
Aphelia pumilio - Dwarf Aphelia [seasonal wetlands]
Apium annuum - Annual celery [seasonally wet flats, saline lake flats]
Apium prostratum - Sea Celery [flooded sites, creeklines, swamps, marshes]
Aponogeton bullosus - Lace Plant
Aponogeton cuneatus [submersed perennial aquatic]
Aponogeton elongatus subsp. elongatus [freshwater rivers, streams, floodplain billabongs]
Aponogeton euryspermus [freshwater ponds, streams, rivers and lagoons]
Aponogeton kimberleyensis [permanent running streams]
Aponogeton lancesmithii
Aponogeton queenslandicus – Queensland Laceplant [freshwater ponds, streams, rivers and lagoons]
Aponogeton tofus [submersed perennial aquatic]
Aponogeton vanbruggenii [freshwater ponds, streams, rivers and lagoons]
Arthropodium minus - Vanilla-lily [ephemeral wetlands]
Arthrostylis aphylla - Sedge
Arundinella nepalensis - Reedgrass [creek edges, river banks and beds]
Arundo donax* - Giant Reed [along watercourses, moist areas]
Asperula aff. conferta - Woodruff [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Astonia australiensis [Grows in shallow freshwater lagoons and waterholes]
Austrofestuca eriopoda - Lanky fescue [swamp and lake wetlands]
Austrofestuca hookeriana - Hooker fescue [swamp and lake wetlands]
Austrostipa stipoides - Prickly spear-grass [instream wetlands]
Azolla filiculoides - Pacific Azolla [permanent instream freshwater wetlands]
Azolla filiculoides var. rubra – Red Azolla [permanent instream freshwater wetlands]
Azolla pinnata - Ferny Azolla [permanent instream freshwater wetlands]
Bacopa floribunda [edges of watercourses, swamps, seepages, inundated depressions]
Bacopa monnieri - Monier's Bacopa [edges of watercourses, swamps, seepages, inundated depressions]
Baloskion pallens - Cord Rush [swampy places]
Baloskion tenuiculme - Cord Rush [wet or damp sandy peat]
Baloskion tetraphyllum - Tassel Cord Rush [Grows in swamps and on river banks]
Basilicum polystachyon [river and creek banks, swampy areas]
Baumea acuta - Pale twig-sedge [seasonal wetlands]
Baumea arthrophylla - Jointed Twig-sedge [swamp and lake wetlands]
Baumea articulata - Jointed Twig-sedge [seasonal swamps, borders of lakes]
Baumea gunnii - Slender Twig-sedge [swamps and by watercourses]
Baumea juncea - Bare Twig-rush [mostly brackish or saline swamps]
Baumea muelleri - Spike Rush [freshwater wetlands]
Baumea nuda [Grows in swamps or along streams]
Baumea planifolia - Rough Twig-sedge [Grows in swamps and streams]
Baumea rubiginosa - Soft Twig-rush [freshwater streams, swamps, wetlands]
Baumea teretifolia - Wrinkle Nut Twig Rush [freshwater wetlands]
Baumea tetragona - Square Twig-sedge [along streams and in swamps]
Berula erecta - Narrowleaf Water Parsnip [Grows in swamp areas and shallow water lakes]
Bergia ammannioides - Jerry Water-fire [Grows on clay pans and shallow inland lakes]
Bergia diacheiron - Waterwort [wetlands]
Bergia pedicellaris - Waterwort [Along watercourses]
Bergia trimera - Waterwort [Damp areas, claypans, watercourses]
Berula erecta* - Narrowleaf Water Parsnip [freshwater lake edges]
Blechnum indicum - Swamp Water Fern [inundated boggy soils and freshwater wetlands]
Blechnum minus - Soft Water Fern [variety of habitats in open forest, along creeks]
Blechnum nudum - Fishbone Water Fern [along creek banks]
Blechnum orientale [near creeks, in moist vine thickets, on rock ledges of waterfalls]
Blechnum patersonii - Strap Water Fern
Blechnum wattsii (Blechnum procerum) - Hard water-fern [in rainforest and along creeks]
Blumea axillaris (Blumea mollis) [Creeks banks]
Blumea tenella [river floodplains, near creeks or swamps, gorges]
Blyxa aubertii [freshwater pools]
Blyxa aubertii var. aubertii - Roundfruit Blyxa [freshwater pools]
Blyxa aubertii var. echinosperma [still or slow-moving fresh waters]
Blyxa aubertii var. indeterminate
Blyxa octandra [freshwater watercourses]
Bolbitis quoyana – Aquatic Fern
Bolbitis taylori - Aquatic Fern
Bolboschoenus caldwellii - Caldwell’s Club-rush [seasonal, instream and swamps wetlands]
Bolboschoenus fluviatilis - Marsh Club-rush [freshwater wetlands and river banks]
Bolboschoenus medianus - River Club-rush [instream and swamp wetlands]
Brachiaria mutica* = Urochloa mutica - Para Grass
Brachyachne tenella - Slender Native Couch [shallow water, herbaceous swamp]
Brachyscome basaltica var. gracilis - Swamp daisy [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Brachyscome cardiocarpa - Hinge-fruit daisy [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Brachyscome chrysoglossa - Yellow-tongue daisy [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Brachyscome dentata - Lobe-seed daisy [seasonal wetlands]
Brachyscome graminea - Grass daisy [seasonal wetlands]
Brachyscome muelleroides - Mueller daisy [grows in damp areas, on margins of claypans]
Brachyscome radicans - Snow Daisy [grows on swampy ground; higher altitudes]
Bracteantha ssp. nov. aff. subundulata - Swamp everlasting [ephemeral, seasonal, instream and swamp wetlands]
Brasenia schreberi – Watershield [shallow freshwater lagoons or backwaters]
Bulbostylis barbata - Marsh Club-rush [margins of watercourses, low-lying flats]
Bulbostylis pyriformis [Grows in seasonally wet situations]
Bulbostylis turbinate [along watercourses, in depressions, rockholes]
Burchardia umbellata – Milkmaids [Grows in swamps and in heath]
Burmannia juncea (Burmannia disticha) [swamps, seasonally inundated areas, beside streams]
Byblis aquatica [swampy depressions and upstream floodplains]
Byblis filifolia [river and creek margins, watersheds]
Byblis rorida [creek banks]
Cabomba caroliniana* – Fanwort [slow moving or stagnant streams and billabongs]
Caldesia acanthocarpa - Water Plantain [submerged aquatic]
Caldesia oligococca - Water Plantain [billabongs and seasonally waterlogged lakes or pools]
Caldesia oligococca var. oligococca - Water Plantain
Caldesia parnassifolia - Water Plantain
Callitriche brachycarpa - Short Water Starwort [wet habitats and riparian scrub]
Callitriche capricorni - Starwort
Callitriche cyclocarpa - Western water starwort [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Callitriche muelleri - Round Water Starwort [shallow freshwater wetland]
Callitriche sonderi – Starwort [damp areas liable to inundation]
Callitriche stagnalis - Common Water Starwort [submerged aquatic or on damp ground]
Callitriche umbonata - Water starwort [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Callitriche verna – Spring water starwort [submersed or occasionally amphibious aquatic]
Calocephalus lacteus - Milky beauty-heads [ephemeral wetlands]
Calocephalus platycephalus - Yellow billy buttons [rocky creek beds]
Calostemma purpureum - Wilcannia lily [along watercourses and on seasonally flooded clay flats]
Calotis anthemoides - Cut-leaf burr-daisy [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Calotis breviseta [near rivers, lakes and swamps, claypans]
Calotis latiuscula [floodplains, rocky creeks or river beds]
Calotis plumulifera [floodplains, rocky creeks or river beds]
Calotis scabiosifolia var. integrifolia - Rough burr-daisy [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Calystegia sepium - Large bindweed [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Cardamine gunnii - Common bittercress [moist sites]
Cardamine lineariloba - Annual bittercress [ephemeral wetlands]
Cardamine moirensis - Riverina bittercress [low-lying areas adjacent to streams and swamps]
Cardamine paucijuga – Annual bittercress [floodplains]
Cardamine tenuifolia - Slender bittercress [instream wetlands]
Carex appressa - Tall Sedge [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Carex bichenoviana - Notched sedge [instream wetlands]
Carex brownii - sedge [seasonal wetlands]
Carex chlorantha - Green-top sedge [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Carex echinata - Star Sedge
Carex fascicularis - Tassel Sedge [seasonal and instream wetlands]
Carex gaudichaudiana - Tufted sedge [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Carex gunniana var. gunniana - Mountain sedge [instream wetlands]
Carex hebes - sedge [seasonal wetlands]
Carex inversa - Knob Sedge
Carex inversa sens. lat. (caespitose) - Common sedge [ephemeral wetlands]
Carex inyx - sedge [ephemeral wetlands]
Carex longebrachiata - Drooping sedge [grows in low lying flats and near watercourses]
Carex maculata [Grows in wet places in swamps]
Carex polyantha - Creek sedge [creeks on gravel and sand banks]
Carex fascicularis - Tassel Sedge [along watercourses, swamps]
Carex inversa - Knob Sedge [along watercourses]
Carex pumila - Strand sedge [coastal sand dunes]
Carex tereticaulis - Terete-culm sedge, Rush sedge [low-lying, seasonally inundated habitats]
Carex tasmanica - Curly sedge [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Carex tereticaulis - Rush sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Centaurium spicatum* - Spike Centaury [damp sandy situations]
Centipeda borealis [edges of seasonally-wet areas]
Centipeda cunninghamii - Common Sneezeweed [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Centipeda minima - Spreading Sneezeweed [ephemeral, seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Centipeda minima var. lanuginosa - Spreading sneezeweed
Centipeda minima var. minima – Spreading sneezeweed
Centipeda minima subsp. macrocephala [margins of pools, river banks]
Centipeda nidiformis [dry bed of creek, damp margins of pools, and rocky areas near river pools]
Centipeda thespidioides - Desert sneezewood [claypans, saline flats, creeks and rivers]
Centranthera cochinchinensis [swamps, seepages, seasonally wet areas]
Centrolepis aristata - Pointed Centrolepis [seasonal wetlands]
Centrolepis banksii [damp mud or sand; swamps and along watercourses]
Centrolepis eremica [Grows in temporary water on margins of streams, lakes etc]
Centrolepis exserta [along watercourses, seepage areas, swamps, waterholes]
Centrolepis fascicularis - Tufted Centrolepis [seasonal wetlands]
Centrolepis glabra - Smooth Centrolepis [seasonal wetlands]
Centrolepis polygyna - Wiry centrolepis [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Centrolepis strigosa ssp. strigosa - Hairy Centrolepis [seasonal wetlands]
Ceratophyllum demersum - Common Hornwort [swamp and lake wetlands]
Ceratopteris thalictroides - Water Fern [amphibious or aquatic; creeks, swamps, pools, wet rock ledges of waterfalls]
Chamaesyce drummondii - Flat spurge [ephemeral wetlands]
Chamaesyce vachellii [creek beds]
Chara australis – Stonewort [freshwater algae]
Chara fibrosa - Stonewort
Chara muelleri – Stonewort
Chara vulgaris - Stonewort
Cheilanthes cavernicola (Cheilanthes pumilio) - Fern [banks of watercourses or pools]
Chionachne cyathopoda - Cane Grass [riverbanks]
Christella dentata - Downy wood fern [forms tussocks along stream banks]
Cladium procerum - Leafy Twig-sedge [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Cladophora sp. - Filamentous green algae
Cladopus queenslandicus
Commelina agrostophylla
Commelina ensifolia - Wandering jew [floodplains, seepage areas]
Chorizandra australis - Large bristle-sedge [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Chorizandra enodis - Black bristle-sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Colocasia esculenta - Taro [creeks, seepage areas]
Cotula australis - Common Cotula [usually near water]
Cotula bipinnata - Ferny cotula [moist sites, salt flats, near watercourses]
Cotula coronopifolia - Water Buttons [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Craspedia canens - Grey billy-buttons [seasonal wetlands]
Craspedia glauca - Billy-buttons [moist depressions, often with leaves partly submerged]
Craspedia paludicola - Swamp billy-buttons [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Crassula closiana - Stalked crassula [wetlands]
Crassula colorata - Dense Stonecrop [temporarily wet areas]
Crassula colorata var. acuminata - Dense Stonecrop
Crassula decumbens var. decumbens - Spreading stonecrop [moist places]
Crassula helmsii - Swamp crassula [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Crassula natans var. minus - Water Crassula [aquatic - wet depressions]
Crassula peduncularis - Purple crassula [ephemeral wetlands]
Crassula sieberiana subsp. sieberiana - Australian Stonecrop [moist open forest]
Crassula sieberiana ssp. tetramera - Australian stonecrop [wet and moist places]
Cressa australis - Rosinweed [salt lake margins, clay or mud flats, near seasonal billabongs, lakes & lagoons]
Crinum angustifolium - Onion Lily [seasonally inundated near-coastal areas]
Crinum flaccidum - Murray Lily; Darling Lily [grows near inland rivers, often along sandy floodways]
Crinum pedunculatum – Swamp Lily [coastal swamps and river banks]
Cullen australasicum (Psoralea australasica) - Tall scurf-pea [floodplains]
Cullen cinereum - Hoary Scurf-pea [river levees or creek banks - mostly in moist sites]
Cyclosorus interruptus - Fern [near swamps, creeks, in vine thickets]
Cynodon dactylon - Couch Grass
Cyperus alopecuroides - Sedge [swamps and lakes]
Cyperus alterniflorus [semi-permanent moist situations such as stream banks and rocky gullies]
Cyperus angustatus
Cyperus aquatilis - Water Nutgrass [swamps; along watercourses or in pools]
Cyperus betchei subsp. betchei [seasonally wet situations, such as stream banks and roadside drains]
Cyperus betchei subsp. commiscens [seasonally-wet situations]
Cyperus bifax – Silver Sedge [floodplains, stream banks, swamps]
Cyperus breviculmis - Sedge [swamps]
Cyperus brevifolius* – Sedge [swamps, creeks]
Cyperus carinatus [open ephemerally wet situations]
Cyperus castaneus var. brevimucronatus [seasonal streams]
Cyperus castaneus var. castaneus [along watercourses, moist sites]
Cyperus compressus [wet habitats]
Cyperus concinnus [swamps, creeks, pools]
Cyperus cristulatus [along watercourses]
Cyperus cuspidatus [along watercourses]
Cyperus dactylotes – [seasonally wet situations, such as stream banks and roadside drains]
Cyperus decompositus
Cyperus difformis - Variable Flat-sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Cyperus digitatus [Semi-aquatic]
Cyperus distans – Piedmont Sedge [streambanks and swamps]
Cyperus enervis [Semi-aquatic]
Cyperus equisetina [freshwater lagoons]
Cyperus eragrostis - Umbrella Sedge [ephemerally wet, open, disturbed situations]
Cyperus exaltatus - Tall flat-sedge; Splendid Flat-sedge [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Cyperus flaccidus – Lax Flat-sedge [wet places, such as margins of ephemeral pools]
Cyperus flavidus – Yellow Flat-sedge [freshwater wetlands]
Cyperus fucosus
Cyperus gilesii [ephemerally wet situations, such as inland stream banks and roadside drains]
Cyperus gracilis - Slender Sedge
Cyperus gunnii ssp. gunnii - Flecked Flat-sedge [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Cyperus gunnii subsp. novae-hollandiae
Cyperus gymnocaulos - Spiny Flat-sedge [seasonal wetlands]
Cyperus haspan - Haspan Flatsedge [margins of swamps and creeks]
Cyperus haspan subsp. haspan [margins of swamps and creeks]
Cyperus haspan subsp. indeterminate
Cyperus haspan subsp. juncoides [swamps, along watercourses or in pools]
Cyperus holoschoenus [along watercourses or in pools]
Cyperus involucratus* - Umbrella Sedge [edge of waterways]
Cyperus iria – Variable Sedge [ephemerally wet, open, often disturbed situations]
Cyperus ixiocarpus [sandy creeks]
Cyperus javanicus – Javanese Sedge [pools, along watercourses]
Cyperus javanicus subsp. Armstrongii
Cyperus kyllingia [Semi-aquatic]
Cyperus laevigatus - Shinning Sedge [brackish situations, saltmarshes]
Cyperus lucidus – Leafy Flat-sedge; Giant Sedge [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Cyperus macrostachyos [swamps, creeks]
Cyperus microcephalus subsp. microcephalus [creek beds]
Cyperus nervulosus [swamps, pool edges]
Cyperus nutans var. eleusinoides - flat-sedge [creek banks, wetlands]
Cyperus odoratus [Grows on creek banks and in swamps]
Cyperus orgadophilus (Cyperus sporobolus)
Cyperus oxycarpus [seasonally wet sites]
Cyperus papyrus - Papyrus sedge [permanently wet sites]
Cyperus pilosus – Fuzzy Sedge [moist freshwater environments]
Cyperus polystachyos - Manyspike sedge, Bunchy Sedge [open forest, grassland and wetlands on moist soil types]
Cyperus pulchellus [swamps]
Cyperus pygmaeus - Dwarf flat-sedge; Pygmy Flat-sedge [open stream banks and seasonally wet open floodways]
Cyperus rigidellus - Curly Flat-sedge [ephemerally wet situations, such as floodways and roadside drains]
Cyperus rotundus [Semi-aquatic]
Cyperus sanguinolentus - Red Top Sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Cyperus sesquiflorus - Kyllinga weed [freshwater swamps]
Cyperus scariosus– Saltwater Sedge [along creeks]
Cyperus sphacelatus – Spike Rush [wetlands]
Cyperus sphaeroideus - Kyllinga weed [usually grows in undisturbed damp habitats]
Cyperus squarrosus - Bearded flat-sedge [along watercourses, drainage lines, in claypans]
Cyperus tenellus - Tiny flat-sedge [damp, open situations]
Cyperus tenuiculmis [Rooted emergent]
Cyperus tenuispica [along watercourses]
Cyperus trinervis – Australian Sedge [freshwater]
Cyperus tuberosus
Cyperus unioloides [grows in swamps]
Cyperus vaginatus – Stiff Flat-sedge [along creeks]
Cyperus victoriensis – Victorian club-sedge [floodplains and stream banks]
Cyperus viscidulus [along watercourses, waterholes]
Cyperus sp. (Katherine Gorge 4505)
Dactyloctenium radulans - Button grass [seasonal swamps, river banks]
Damasonium minus – Starfruit [ephemeral, seasonal and permanent freshwater wetlands]
Danthonia caespitosa - Common wallaby-grass [ephemeral wetlands]
Danthonia duttoniana - Brown-back wallaby-grass [ephemeral, swamp and lake wetlands]
Dentella minutissima [River flats, edges of rivers, billabongs & claypans]
Desmodium brownii [inundated depressions near creeks or pools]
Desmodium filiforme [floodplains, seasonally wet areas, swamps]
Desmodium trichostachyum [damp situations, near creeks or pools]
Dichondra repens - Kidney-weed [ephemeral wetlands]
Dicliptera armata [along creeks and rivers]
Dimeria sp. (Salvator Rosa RJ Fensham 3643) [seepages, wet sites]
Dioscorea bulbifera [along rivers]
Diplachne fusca - Brown beetle-grass [ephemeral wetlands]
Distichlis distichophylla - Australian salt-grass [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Drosera auriculata - Tall sundew [swampy areas]
Drosera binata - Forked Sundew [Grows in wet sand and sandy peat in swamps, on creek banks]
Drosera burmanni - Tropical Sundew [near creek, swamps or seepage areas]
Drosera indica - Indian Sundew [rivers, creeks, swamps and seepage areas]
Drosera peltata - Pale Sundew [swampy areas]
Drosera pygmaea - Pygmy Sundew [swampy areas]
Drosera spatulata - Common Sundew [grows in wetlands and heath]
Dysphania ssp. glomulifera - Globular pigweed [seasonal wetlands]
Echinochloa colona - Awnless Barnyard Grass [wet or swampy areas and creek banks]
Echinochloa crus-galli* - Barnyard Grass [swamps]
Echinochloa dietrichiana [seasonally flooded areas]
Echinochloa macrandra [swamps]
Echinochloa polystachya – Aleman Grass
Echinochloa telmatophila - Swamp Barnyard Grass [stream and swamp margins]
Echinochloa turneriana - Channel Grass [Grows in or near watercourses]
Eclipta platyglossa - Yellow Twin-heads [ephemeral wetlands]
Eclipta prostrata - Swamp Daisy; White Eclipta [grows on creek banks, in wet areas and damp areas]
Egeria densa – Dense Waterweed [stationary or slowly flowing water]
Eichhornia crassipes* – Water Hyacinth
Elacholoma hornii [grows on damp margins of swamps and small watercourses]
Elatine gratioloides - Waterwort [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Eleocharis acuta - Common Spike-sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands; instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Eleocharis sp. aff. acuta - Common spike-sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Eleocharis atricha - Tuberous spike-sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Eleocharis atropurpurea [along watercourses, around swamps and lakes]
Eleocharis brassii [pools, swamps]
Eleocharis aff. brassii [shallow water, swamps, billabongs and lagoons]
Eleocharis caespitosissima [swamps, rivers sometimes submerged]
Eleocharis cylindrostachys - Drooping Spike Rush [Semi-aquatic]
Eleocharis denuda - Sedge [aquatic]
Eleocharis dietrichiana - Spike-rush [still shallow freshwater habitats]
Eleocharis dulcis - Bulkuru Sedge [permanent, more or less still fresh water]
Eleocharis equisetina – Horsetail Spike-rush [still freshwater habitats on mud and silt]
Eleocharis geniculata - Annual Spike-rush [in and along watercourses, margins of permanent pools]
Eleocharis gracilis - Slender spike-sedge [ephemeral, seasonal, instream and swamp wetlands]
Eleocharis macbarronii - Macbarron’s spike-sedge [ephemeral wetlands]
Eleocharis minuta - Variable spike-sedge [swamps and sandy shores of coastal lakes]
Eleocharis ochrostachys [swamps]
Eleocharis pallens - Pale Spike-sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Eleocharis papillosa - Dwarf Desert Spike-rush
[Eleocharis papillosa is a small, erect perennial sedge, that typically grows to less
than 10cm high. The above ground parts of the Dwarf Desert Spike-rush grow in response to
inundation, subsequently dying back to a tuber during dry periods]
Eleocharis philippinensis [swamps, pools, waterholes]
Eleocharis plana - Ribbed Spike-rush [moist situations]
Eleocharis pusilla - Small Spike-sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Eleocharis retroflexa - Coastal Plain Spikerush [shallow water on the margins of seasonal swamps]
Eleocharis setifolia - Small-flower spike-rush
Eleocharis sphacelata - Tall Spike-sedge [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Eleocharis spiralis [brackish pools, coastal or estuarine environments]
Eleocharis sundaica [in and around swamps, billabongs]
Eleocharis sp. (Kapalga Billabong JT273)
Eleocharis sp. (Coonjimba Billabong A63452) [margins of lagoons]
Eleocharis sp.A [swamps, pools, waterholes]
Eleocharis sp.B [in shallow water: swamps, billabongs and lagoons]
Eleocharis tetraquetra [grows in swampy areas]
Elytrophorus spicatus – Spikegrass [damp sites]
Empodisma minus - Spreading Rope-rush [swampy places, wet creek banks]
Enydra fluctuans - Buffalo Spinach [Grows in swamps and aquatic areas]
Epaltes australis - Spreading Nutheads [temporarily flooded areas]
Epilobium billardierianum ssp. billardierianum - Robust willow-herb [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Epilobium billardierianum ssp. cinereum - Variable willow-herb [moist areas]
Epilobium billardierianum ssp. hydrophilum - Robust willow-herb [swamp and lake wetlands]
Epilobium billardierianum ssp. intermedium - Robust willow-herb [seasonal wetlands]
Epilobium hirtigerum - Hairy willow-herb [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Epilobium pallidiflorum - Showy willow-herb [swamp and lake wetlands]
Eragrostis australasica - Cane Grass [wetland habitats, claypans and swamps]
Eragrostis australasicus - Swamp Canegrass [wetland habitats, claypans and swamps]
Eragrostis benthamii - Bentham’s love-grass
Eragrostis brownii (Eragrostis benthamii) - Brown's lovegrass; Common lovegrass [swamp and lake wetlands]
Eragrostis elongata - Clustered Lovegrass [swamps, wet flats, watercourses]
Eragrostis infecunda - Barren cane grass [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Eragrostis parviflora - Weeping Lovegrass [claypans, edges of swamps]
Eragrostis speciosa - Handsome lovegrass [in or near watercourses, floodplains, seasonally wet areas]
Eragrostis sterilis [floodplains]
Eriachne festucacea - Plains Wandarrie Grass [along watercourses, seepage lines]
Eriachne triseta - Perennial Grass [seepage areas of gorges and gullies, along creeks]
Eriocaulon athertonense [springs]
Eriocaulon australe - White Pipewort [Grows in sandy wet heath and swampy areas]
Eriocaulon carpentariae [swampy depressions and upstream floodplains]
Eriocaulon carsonii – Artesian Pipewort [mound springs, swampy depressions]
Eriocaulon cinereum [swamps, creeklines]
Eriocaulon depressum
Eriocaulon fistulosum [margins of creeks]
Eriocaulon inapertum [swampy depressions, floodplains and mound springs]
Eriocaulon lividum [swamps, river banks]
Eriocaulon nematophyllum
Eriocaulon odontospermum [margins of pools and creeks, swampy depressions and floodplains]
Eriocaulon patericola [small ephemeral shallow rock pools, creek beds, lagoon edges]
Eriocaulon pusillum [seepages, ponds]
Eriocaulon pygmaeum [Found in open seepage areas]
Eriocaulon scariosum - Common Pipewort [freshwater wetlands]
Eriocaulon setaceum - Water Pipewort [freshwater pools, streams, swamps]
Eriocaulon spectabile [swamps]
Eriocaulon scullionii [sheltered among rocks, creek margins, seepage areas, shallow water]
Eriocaulon tricornum [swampy depressions and upstream floodplains]
Eriocaulon tortuosum [swamps]
Eriocaulon sp.C [damp to wet areas; lagoon edges, claypans]
Eriocaulon sp.E [freshwater streams]
Eriocaulon sp.G [alluvial areas, swamps, rock pools, creeks]
Eryngium ovinum - Blue devil [ephemeral wetlands]
Eryngium paludosum - Long Eryngium [swampy, irrigated or flooded areas]
Eryngium plantagineum - Long Eryngium [swamp margins]
Eryngium vesiculosum - Prostrate Blue Devil [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Euchiton collinus - Creeping cudweed [wet habitats]
Euchiton involucratus sens. strict. - Star cudweed [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Euphrasia scabra - Rough eyebright [ephemeral wetlands]
Eurychorda complanata - Flat Cord-rush
Ficinia nodosa - Nobby club-sedge [seasonally-wet swamplands, shores of salt lakes]
Fimbristylis acicularis [along watercourses]
Fimbristylis acuminata [stream beds]
Fimbristylis aestivalis - Summer Fringe-rush [creeks]
Fimbristylis aestivalis var. aestivalis [creeks]
Fimbristylis bisumbellata [Grows on stream banks]
Fimbristylis blakei [wet areas]
Fimbristylis caespitosa [swamps, claypans]
Fimbristylis cephalophora [along watercourses]
Fimbristylis cinnamometorum [Damp habitats, pools, drainage lines, claypans]
Fimbristylis denudate [watercourses and on flood plains]
Fimbristylis depauperata [Seepage areas, swamps, along watercourses]
Fimbristylis dichotoma - Common Fringe-sedge [Creek banks, claypans]
Fimbristylis dictyocolea [edge of swamps or in water]
Fimbristylis elegans [creek edges]
Fimbristylis eremophila [creek beds]
Fimbristylis ferruginea - Fringe-rush [brackish or fresh water swamps]
Fimbristylis littoralis [along watercourses, swamps, damp habitats]
Fimbristylis macassarensis [seepage areas, along watercourses]
Fimbristylis microcarya [claypans, swamps, along watercourses and drainage lines]
Fimbristylis miliacea [edges of springs]
Fimbristylis nuda [along watercourses]
Fimbristylis nutans – Fringe-rush [moist depressions]
Fimbristylis oxystachya [swamps]
Fimbristylis pauciflora [seepage areas, along watercourses]
Fimbristylis phaeoleuca [wet sites]
Fimbristylis polytrichoides - Fringe-rush [swampy areas, marine tidal areas near mangroves]
Fimbristylis pterygosperma [shallow wet areas, along watercourses]
Fimbristylis punctata [along watercourses]
Fimbristylis rara [swamps, along watercourses]
Fimbristylis schultzii [seepage areas, along watercourses]
Fimbristylis sieberiana [pool edges]
Fimbristylis simplex [swamps, along watercourses]
Fimbristylis squarrulosa = Abildgaardia schoenoides [seasonally damp areas, beside lakes and swamps]
Fimbristylis subaristata [wet areas]
Fimbristylis tetragona [seepage areas, along watercourses]
Fimbristylis tristachya [swamps, pool edges]
Fimbristylis velata - Veiled Fringe-rush [swamps, creek edges, along watercourses]
Fimbristylis sp. (Elizabeth Springs 3743)
Fimbristylis sp. (Howard River A64431) [along watercourses, swamps, creeks and floodplains]
Fimbristylis sp. (Thargomindah 3094)
Frankenia serpyllifolia - Bristly sea-heath [floodplains]
Fuirena ciliaris - Umbrella Sedge [swamps, pools, claypans, along watercourses, seepage areas]
Fuirena incrassata [along stream-lines and in seasonally wet situations]
Fuirena nodiflora [swamps, creek beds]
Fuirena umbellata [swamps, pools, watercourses]
Gahnia clarkei - Tall Saw Sedge [swampy areas]
Gahnia filum - Chaffy Saw Sedge [coastal saltmarsh or brackish water]
Gahnia grandis - Brickmakers' Sedge
Gahnia sieberiana - Red Fruited Saw Sedge [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Gahnia subaequiglumis - Bog Saw Sedge
Gahnia trifida - Coast saw-sedge [seasonal wetlands]
Gleichenia dicarpa - Pouched Coral Fern [Grows in sunny damp sites around swamps]
Glinus lotoides - Hairy Carpet Weed [edge of billabongs, watercourses and wetlands]
Glinus oppositifolius - Opposite-leaved Carpetweed [freshwater habitats]
Glossostigma cleistanthum - Spoon mud-mat [grows in silt in rock-pools, in clay on creek beds, on swamp margins or river flats or in dams, submerged or exposed]
Glossostigma diandrum [wet depressions, claypans, sometimes submerged in creeks and pools]
Glossostigma drummondii – Mudmat [granite rock pools, claypans, swamps, wet depressions]
Glossostigma elatinoides - Small mud-mat [grows in clay on river flats or beside freshwater swamps, sometimes inundated]
Glossostigma trichodes [rock-pools (gnammas) on granite outcrops]
Glyceria australis - Australian Sweet-grass [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Glyceria latispicea [wet areas]
Gonocarpus chinensis subsp. verrucosus - Chinese raspwort [freshwater swamps]
Gonocarpus humilis - Shade raspwort [Widespread in damp places]
Gonocarpus micranthus - Creeping raspwort [swampy areas]
Goodenia bicolor [seasonally damp areas]
Goodenia blackiana - Native primrose [watercourses]
Goodenia byrnesii [edge of creeks]
Goodenia geniculata - Bent goodenia [moist and wet areas]
Goodenia gracilis - Slender goodenia [ephemeral, seasonal, instream and swamp wetlands]
Goodenia heteromera - Spreading goodenia [seasonal wetlands]
Goodenia heterophylla ssp. heterophylla - Variable goodenia [seasonal wetlands]
Goodenia humilis - swamp goodenia [seasonal wetlands]
Goodenia lamprosperma [seasonally wet depressions, swamps, near watercourses]
Goodenia nocoleche [Ephemeral amphibious herb]
Goodenia purpurascens [swamps and seasonally wet depressions]
Goodenia quadrifida [wetland areas]
Goodenia strangfordii [seasonally wet depressions, swamps, near watercourses]
Gratiola pedunculata - Stalked Brooklime [seasonal and instream wetlands]
Gratiola peruviana - Austral brooklime [seasonal and instream wetlands]
Gratiola pubescens - Hairy brooklime [wet depressions, swamps, creeks, mud flats]
Gymnoschoenus sphaerocephalus - Button Grass [Grows in permanent swamps and on wet slopes]
Halosarcia indica [coastal and inland saline areas]
Halophila spinulosa [submerged, brackish perennial]
Halosarcia halocnemoides subsp. indeterminate [salt flats and lakes]
Haloragis aspera - Rough raspwort [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Haloragis heterophylla - Varied raspwort [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Halosarcia pergranulata - Shrubby glasswort [wetlands]
Helichrysum sp. aff. rutidolepis - Swamp pale everlasting [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Heliotropium curassavicum - Smooth heliotrope [near salt swamps, winter-wet depressions]
Heliotropium ovalifolium [coastal plains and dunes, seasonally wet areas, river levees]
Heliotropium indicum [wetlands, peaty soaks, lake fringes, river banks]
Hemarthria uncinata – Matgrass [stream banks]
Hemarthria uncinata var. uncinata - Matgrass [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Holcus lanatus - Yorkshire fog grass [swamps, creek edges]
Homopholis proluta - Rigid panic [seasonal wetlands]
Hydrilla verticillata - Water Thyme [freshwater streams]
Hydrocharis dubia - Frogbit [shallow freshwater bodies or swamps]
Hydrocleys nymphoides - Water Poppy [aquatic plant]
Hydrocotyle acutiloba - Swamp Pennywort [Stream banks]
Hydrocotyle bonariensis [along creeks and swamps]
Hydrocotyle callicarpa - Tiny pennywort [dry or moist open sandy areas]
Hydrocotyle dipleura [discharge spring complexes]
Hydrocotyle grammatocarpa
Hydrocotyle hirta - Hairy pennywort
Hydrocotyle larapinta
Hydrocotyle muscosa - Mossy pennywort [swamp and lake wetlands]
Hydrocotyle pedicellosa – Aquatic Pennywort
Hydrocotyle plebeya – Pennywort [seepage areas, granite outcrops]
Hydrocotyle pterocarpa - Wing Pennywort [found growing among rushes and sedges or on mossy rocks]
Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides - Shining pennywort [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Hydrocotyle tripartita - Slender Pennywort [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Hydrocotyle verticillata - Shield Pennywort [freshwater swamps, lagoons and along streams and rivers, sometimes partially submerged]
Hygrochloa aquatica [aquatic, outer margins of swamps]
Hygrophila angustifolia - Willow-leafed Hygrophila [creek banks, billabong margins, floodplains]
Hygrophila costata - Temple Plant [along watercourses]
Hygrophila triflora - Swampweed
Hygrophila sp. (Lake McDonald) [freshwater swamps]
Hymenachne acutigluma – [perennial aquatic or semi-aquatic grass]
Hymenachne amplexicaulis* - Olive Hymenachne [semi-aquatic perennial grass]
Hypericum gramineum - Small St John's Wort [usually in damp areas]
Hypericum japonicum - Matted St John's wort [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Hypoestes floribunda - Bandicoot berry [seasonally wet areas, coastal dunes, creek banks]
Hypolaena fastigiate - Tassel Rope-rush [margins of swamps]
Hypolepis muelleri - Harsh Ground Fern [grows along creeks and swamps]
Hypoxis exilis - Swamp star [swampy areas on floodplains]
Indigofera hirsuta - Hairy indigo [along creek lines, near swamps or stock dams]
Ipomoea aquatica – Swamp Morning Glory [along creeks; floating in water or on mud]
Ipomoea coptica [along watercourses, damp depressions]
Ipomoea diamantinensis [margins of billabongs and floodplains]
Ipomoea muelleri – Native morning glory [along watercourses]
Ipomoea polymorpha [along creeklines, in moist depressions]
Ipomoea sp. (Kalumburu) [floodplains]
Isachne confusa - Bloodgrass
Isachne globosa - Swamp Millet Grass [wet coastal heath in alluvial beds and near streams]
Isachne minutula [aquatic]
Isachne pulchella [Streams]
Isolepis inundata - Swamp Club-sedge
Ischaemum australe - Large Bluegrass [Grows in swamps]
Ischaemum australe var. australe
Ischaemum australe var. indeterminate
Ischaemum australe var. villosum
Ischaemum rugosum – Wrinklegrass
Isoëtes coromandelina [submerged in water or amphibious on the margins of pools or streams]
Isoëtes coromandelina subsp. macrotuberculata
Isoëtes drummondii - Plain quillwort [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Isoëtes drummondii ssp. anomala - Plains quillwort [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Isoëtes drummondii ssp. drummondii - Plains quillwort [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Isoëtes muelleri - Rock Quillwort [swamp and lake wetlands]
Isoëtes pusilla - Small quillwort [seasonal wetlands]
Isoetopsis graminifolia - Grass cushion [ephemeral wetlands]
Isolepis australiensis - Southern Club-sedge [seasonal wetlands]
Isolepis cernua - Nodding Club-sedge [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Isolepis cernua subsp. cernua - Nobby Club-rush [stream margins]
Isolepis cernua var. platycarpa - Club-rush
Isolepis cerruus – Nodding Club-rush [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Isolepis congrua - Slender club-sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Isolepis fluitans - Floating Club-sedge [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Isolepis fluitans var. fluitans - Floating club-rush [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Isolepis hookeriana - Grassy club-sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Isolepis humillima [claypans, seepages, along watercourses]
Isolepis inundata - Swamp Club-sedge [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Isolepis marginata - Little club-sedge [ephemeral wetlands]
Isolepis nodosa - Knobby club-sedge [ephemeral wetlands]
Isolepis platycarpa - Flat-fruit club-sedge [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Isolepis producta - Nutty club-sedge [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Isolepis subtilissima [Moist places, creekbanks, swamps]
Isolepis victoriensis - Victorian club-sedge [ephemeral wetlands]
Isolepis wakefieldiana - Tufted Club-sedge [wet habitats & riparian scrub]
Isotoma fluviatilis ssp. australis - Swamp Isotome [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Isotoma fluviatilis subsp. borealis – Swamp Isotoma [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Isotoma luticola [margins of creeks and pools]
Juncus acutus - Spiny Rush [creeks, soaks, often saline]
Juncus amabilis - Hollow rush [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Juncus aridicola - Tussock Rush [creeks, rivers, lakes, swamps, granite outcrops]
Juncus articulatus - Jointed Rush [damp situations]
Juncus australis - Austral rush [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Juncus bufonius - Toad Rush [seasonal and instream wetlands]
Juncus bulbosus - Bulbous Rush [wet situations]
Juncus caespiticius - Grassy rush [instream wetlands]
Juncus capitatus - Dwarf rush [open disturbed situations]
Juncus continuus - Pithy Rush [seasonal wetlands]
Juncus flavidus - Yellow rush [seasonally and briefly wet situations]
Juncus fockei - Slender joint-leaf rush [damp situations]
Juncus gregiflorus - Green rush [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Juncus holoschoenus - Joint-leaf rush [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Juncus homalocaulis - Wiry rush [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Juncus ingens - Giant rush [billabongs and semi-permanent waterbodies]
Juncus kraussii - Sea Rush [tidal areas and estuaries near mangroves]
Juncus kraussii subsp. australiensis - Sea rush [swamps, brackish estuaries, saline flats]
Juncus maritimus = Juncus kraussii – Shore rush
Juncus microcephalus* - Tiny rush [wet drains, springs]
Juncus pallidus - Pale rush [ephemeral wetlands]
Juncus pauciflorus - Loose-flower rush [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Juncus planifolius - Broad-leaf rush [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Juncus polyanthemus - Striated Rush [usually grows in swampy situations]
Juncus prismatocarpus - Branching Rush [swamp and lake wetlands]
Juncus procerus - Tall rush [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Juncus radula - Hoary rush [creek beds]
Juncus remotiflorus - Diffuse rush [ephemeral wetlands]
Juncus revolutus - Creeping Rush [mostly in somewhat saline habitats]
Juncus sarophorus - Rush [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Juncus semisolidus - Rush [ephemeral, seasonal, instream and swamp wetlands]
Juncus subsecundus - Finger rush [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Juncus usitatus – Common Rush [seasonal wetlands]
Juncus vaginatus - Clustered Rush [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Lachnagrostis filiformis – Fairy Grass [wetlands]
Landoltia punctata (Spirodela punctata) - Punctate Duckweed; Spotted Duckweed; Thin Duckweed [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Leersia hexandra - Swamp Ricegrass [swamp, stream margins]
Lemna aequinoctialis - Common Duckweed [freshwater pools and springs]
Lemna disperma - Common Duckweed [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Lemna minor – Common Duckweed [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Lemna tenera [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Lemna trisulca - Ivy-leaf Duckweed [swamp and lake wetlands]
Lepidium aschersonii - Spiny pepper-cress [ephemeral wetlands]
Lepidosperma elatius - Tall sword-sedge [swamp and lake wetlands]
Lepidosperma gladiatum - Coast sword-sedge [creeklines]
Lepidosperma limicola [Grows in swamps]
Lepidosperma longitudinale - Pithy Sword-sedge [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Lepilaena australis - Austral Water Mat [submerged aquatic - fresh or saline waters, rocky pools]
Lepilaena bilocularis - Water Mat [Grows in non-coastal fresh or saline lakes or slowly flowing water]
Lepilaena patentifolia - Spreading water-mat [swamp and lake wetlands]
Lepilaena preissii - Slender Water Mat [submerged aquatic perennial - brackish or saline waters]
Lepironia articulata - Tube Sedge [creek, river banks]
Leptinella reptans - Creeping cotula [swamp and lake wetlands]
Leptocarpus tenax - Slender Twig-rush [damp to wet heaths and sedgelands]
Leptochloa digitata - Whorled Cane Grass [creek beds, river banks, near pools]
Leptochloa fusca subsp. fusca - Brown Beetle Grass [wet coastal forest on sandy and muddy soils]
Leptodictyum riparium - Type moss [semi-aquatic moss - fast-flowing stream]
Leptorhynchos tenuifolius - Wiry buttons [ephemeral wetlands]
Leptostigma reptans - Dwarf nertera [swamp and lake wetlands]
Lepyrodia interrupta - Knotted Scale-rush
Lepyrodia scariosa – Sedge [margins of swamps]
Lilaeopsis brisbanica - Brisbane Lilaeopsis
Lilaeopsis polyantha - Australian Lilaeopsis [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Limnocharis flava - Yellow Burrhead Flower*
Limnophila aromatica [near or in rivers, creek and swamps, rocky pools]
Limnophila australis [near or in rivers, creek and swamps, rocky pools]
Limnophila brownii – Ambulia [near or in rivers, creek and swamps, rocky pools]
Limnophila chinensis [near or in rivers, creek and swamps, rocky pools]
Limnophila fragrans [terrestrial, marginal aquatic, emergent aquatic]
Limosella australis - Austral Mudwort [seasonal and instream wetlands]
Limosella curdieana - Large mudwort
Lindernia anagallis [shallow water and wet ground]
Lindernia aplectra [floodplains, swamps, seasonally wet situations]
Lindernia clausa (lobelioides) [floodplains, creeklines, seepage areas]
Lindernia sp. (Bribie Island ST Blake 7089) [floodplains, swamps, seasonally wet situations]
Lindernia tenuifolia [Seasonally wet sites]
Lindsaea ensifolia subsp. ensifolia - Wedge Fern [near creeks or pools, damp ledges of cliffs]
Lindsaea ensifolia subsp. indeterminate - Common Wedge Fern [near creeks or pools, damp ledges of cliffs]
Lipocarpha chinensis [along watercourses]
Lipocarpha microcephala - Button rush [along watercourses, rockholes, claypans]
Lobelia alata - Angled lobelia [brackish marshes, swampy heath and along streams]
Lobelia anceps - Angled lobelia [brackish marshes and swampy heath, and along streams]
Lobelia beaugleholei - Cliff's lobelia [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Lobelia dioica [along creeks, rivers and swamps]
Lobelia douglasiana
Lobelia gibbosa - Tall Lobelia [claypans, creeklines]
Lobelia irrigua - Salt Pratia [brackish wetlands]
Lobelia membranacea - Blue Lobelia [edges of lakes, pools and slow-moving streams]
Lobelia pedunculata - Matted pratia
Lobelia pratioides - Poison lobelia [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Lobelia purpurascens - Whiteroot
Lobelia quadrangularis [wet situations, along creeks, often growing in water]
Lobelia rhombifolia - Tufted Lobelia [variety of habitats]
Lobelia stenophylla [moist areas of open forest and poorly drained coastal soils]
Lomandra fluviatilis [Grows in creek beds on sandy soils]
Lomandra hystrix – Matrush [freshwater wetlands]
Lomandra longifolia – Longleaf Matrush [melaleuca wetlands]
Lomandra montana [grows near creeks and waterfalls]
Lomandra ordii [Along river banks]
Lotus australis - Austral Trefoil [sand dunes, coastal cliffs, along creeks]
Lotus cruentus – Red-flowered Trefoil [claypans, near creeks, dried up watercourses, damp saline areas]
Ludwigia adscendens – White Water Primrose
Ludwigia hyssopifolia [floodplains]
Ludwigia octovalvis – Willow Primrose [in or near creeks or swamps]
Ludwigia octovalvis subsp. octovalvis [in or near creeks or swamps]
Ludwigia peploides - Water Primrose [damp areas and waterways]
Ludwigia peploides ssp. montevidensis – Water Primrose [swamp and lake wetlands]
Ludwigia perennis - Willow Primrose [edges of creeks, pools and swamps]
Luffa cylindrica - Loofah [along creeks]
Lycopodiella cernua - Scrambling Clubmoss
Lycopodiella lateralis - Slender Clubmoss
Lycopodiella serpentina - Bog Clubmoss
Lycopus australis - Australian Gipsywort [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Lygodium flexuosum [damp, shaded sites near waterfalls and gorges]
Lygodium microphyllum - Climbing Maidenhair [wet areas such as swamps and near creeks, waterfalls, wet rock crevices]
Lythrum hyssopifolia - Small Loosestrife [ephemeral, seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Lythrum paradoxum [freshwater springs]
Lythrum salicaria - Purple Loosestrife [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Lythrum wilsonii [lake edges]
Macrothelypteris torresiana - Fern [near creeks]
Maidenia rubra - Maidenia [billabongs, ephemeral or permanent pools or lakes]
Malaccotristicha australis (Tristicha trifaria) [aquatic that grows in fast flowing water]
Malvastrum americanum - Spiked malvastrum [floodplains]
Mapania macrocephala - Sedge
Marsilea angustifolia - Narrow-leaf nardoo [swamps or in mud or sand of drying pools]
Marsilea costulifera - Narrow-leaf Nardoo [ephemeral, seasonal, instream and swamp wetlands]
Marsilea crenata - Dwarf Nardoo [pools or watercourses, or in mud on creek banks]
Marsilea drummondii - Common Nardoo [ephemeral, seasonal, instream and swamp wetlands]
Marsilea exarata - Nardoo [shallow fresh water, or in mud near temporary waterholes]
Marsilea hirsuta – Short-fruit Nardoo [aquatic or amphibious; in creeks and riverbeds, swamps, salt flats and claypans]
Marsilea latzii [shallow fresh water, or in mud near temporary waterholes]
Marsilea mutica – Banded Nardoo [in pools or watercourses, or in mud on creek banks]
Marsilea sp. Neutral Junction (D.E. Albrecht 9192)
Maundia triglochinoides - Water Ribbon [swamps or shallow freshwater]
Mazus pumilio - Swamp mazus [seasonal wetlands]
Mecardonia procumbens* [Mecardonia is very similar to both Bacopa and Gratiola]
Mentha australis - River mint [near rivers and creeks]
Mentha diemenica var. diemenica - Slender mint [seasonal wetlands]
Mentha piperita var. piperita – Peppermint [near rivers and creeks]
Merremia sp. B [edges of swamps, springs and creeks]
Merremia quinata [along creeks]
Microcarpaea minima [swamp edges, in creeks]
Microseris aff. lanceolata - Yam-daisy [ephemeral wetlands]
Microtis media - Common onion orchid [swamps, creeklines, granite outcrops]
Microtis unifolia = Microtis media
Mimulus aquatilis - Monkey-flower [spring wetlands]
(Only known from non-Great Artesian Basin springs in the Undara NP, Blackbraes NP, and Porcupine Gorge NP)
Mimulus gracilis - Slender Monkey-flower [swamps and creeks]
Mimulus moschatus - Musk Monkey-flower [swamps and along streams]
Mimulus prostratus – Small Monkey-flower [margins of swamps or watercourses or in temporarily inundated areas]
Mimulus repens - Creeping Monkey-flower [swampy sites, open margins of lakes, watercourses, or in temporarily wet areas]
Mimulus uvedaliae [seasonally wet areas]
Mimulus uvedaliae var. indeterminate [seasonally wet areas]
Mimulus uvedaliae var. lutea [seasonally wet areas]
Mimulus uvedaliae var. uvedaliae [seasonally wet areas]
Minuria integerrima - Smooth Minuria [floodplains]
Mitrasacme sp. [seasonally wet seepage zones]
Mnesithea rottboellioides - Northern Canegrass
Monochoria australasica – Australian Monochoria [shallow still-slow flowing waters]
Monochoria cyanea - Azure Monochoria [shallow still-slow flowing waters]
Monochoria hastata - Arrowleaved monochoria [shallow water; freshwater pools, mudflats in rivers]
Monochoria vaginalis - Oval-leaf Monochoria [emergent aquatic perennial]
Montia australasica - White purslane [moist habitats]
Montia fontana - Water blinks [moist or wet conditions in watercourses, swamps, bogs, marshes and wet grassland]
Montia fontana ssp. chondrosperma - Water blinks [watercourses, swamps, marshes and wet grassland]
Muehlenbeckia florulenta - Tangled Lignum [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Muehlenbeckia gracillima [stream margins]
Muehlenbeckia rhyticarya [stream margins]
Murdannia graminea - Baniyu [creek banks, swamps]
Myosurus minimus var. australis - Mousetail
Myosurus minimus – Mousetail [freshwater claypans]
Myriocephalus nudus [moist areas, along rivers and creeks, granite outcrops]
Myriocephalus rhizocephalus - Woolly-heads [ephemeral wetlands]
Myriocephalus rudallii [floodplains, claypans, along rivers and creeks]
Myriophyllum alpinum [high-altitude lakes and streams; forms densely interwoven masses in relatively deep water]
Myriophyllum amphibium - Broad-leaf Watermilfoil [swamp and lake wetlands]
Myriophyllum amphibium var. amphibium [pools & lakes, in slow-flowing streams]
Myriophyllum amphibium var. angustatum [pools & lakes, in slow-flowing streams]
Myriophyllum amphibium var. latifolium [pools & lakes, in slow-flowing streams]
Myriophyllum aquaticum* (brasiliense) – Brazilian Watermilfoil [lakes, rivers, swamps]
Myriophyllum artesium - Artesian Watermilfoil [mound springs, swampy depressions]
Myriophyllum austropygmaeum [marshes]
Myriophyllum balladoniense [semi-permanent rock pools on granite outcrops]
Myriophyllum callitrichoides [still water in water holes]
Myriophyllum callitrichoides subsp. callitrichoides
Myriophyllum callitrichoides subsp. striatum [aquatic annual]
Myriophyllum caput-medusae - Coarse Watermilfoil [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Myriophyllum coronatum - Watermilfoil
Myriophyllum costatum [billabongs]
Myriophyllum crispatum – Curling Watermilfoil [seasonal, instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Myriophyllum decussatum [floating in shallow water or growing in mud]
Myriophyllum dicoccum [aquatic – floating]
Myriophyllum drummondii [semi-aquatic – swamps]
Myriophyllum echinatum [semi-aquatic - swamps]
Myriophyllum elatinoides = Myriophyllum salsugineum
Myriophyllum filiforme [margins of creeks and waterholes]
Myriophyllum glomeratum - Clustered Watermilfoil [ephemeral and seasonal wetlands]
Myriophyllum gracile var. gracile - Slender Watermilfoil [shallow water or on mud]
(Leaves pinnately divided into usually 5 narrow segments, mostly 5--10 mm long. Male and female flowers usually on the same shoot, sometimes on separate shoots. Mericarps deep reddish brown, sparsely papillose)
Myriophyllum gracile var. laeve [shallow water or on mud]
Myriophyllum gracile var. lineare - Slender Watermilfoil [shallow water or on mud]
(Leaves linear to narrow-lanceolate, entire or shortly toothed, mostly 5--8 mm long. Male and female flowers on the same shoot or some shoots have females only. Mericarps deep reddish brown, densely papillose)
Myriophyllum implicatum – Watermilfoil [freshwater seepage areas]
Myriophyllum integrifolium - Tiny Watermilfoil [ephemeral wetlands]
Myriophyllum lapidicola - Chiddarcooping myriophyllum [waterholes on granite outcrops]
Myriophyllum latifolium – Watermilfoil [still water]
Myriophyllum limnophilum [semi-aquatic-wet depressions, swamps]
Myriophyllum lophatum – Watermilfoil [boggy margins of streams and waterholes]
Myriophyllum muelleri - Hooded Watermilfoil [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
Myriophyllum muricatum [aquatic]
Myriophyllum papillosum (formerly known as M. propinquum) - Common Water-milfoil [still-slow flowing waters, damp ground]
Myriophyllum pedunculatum [swamp and lake wetlands]
Myriophyllum pedunculatum ssp. pedunculatum - Mat Watermilfoil [swamp and lake wetlands]
(Stems robust; leaves closely spaced, linear to terete, 4--11 mm long, somewhat fleshy, entire)
Myriophyllum pedunculatum subsp. longibracteolatum [swampy areas in heathland]
(Stems weak; leaves distant, filiform, mostly 15--22 mm long, often with 1 or 2 slender lobes)
Myriophyllum petraeum - Granite Myriophyllum [Strictly confined to ephemeral rock pools on granite outcrops]
Myriophyllum porcatum - Rigid Watermilfoil [swamp and lake wetlands]
Myriophyllum propinquum (has been misapplied against M. crispatum, M. simulans & M. variifolium) Myriophyllum salsugineum - Lake Watermilfoil [instream, swamp and lake wetlands]
Myriophyllum simulans - Amphibious Watermilfoil [swamp and lake wetlands or more frequently, fully emergent on mud]
Myriophyllum striatum - Striped Watermilfoil [damp situations on the banks of creeks and around waterholes]
Myriophyllum tillaeoides [aquatic or littoral-wet swamps]
Myriophyllum trachycarpum [near edges of pools and lakes, in slow-flowing streams]
Myriophyllum triphyllum (Macquarie Island – Tasmania)
Myriophyllum variifolium - Varied Watermilfoil [swamp and lake wetlands; in still or slowly flowing water]
Myriophyllum variifolium var. variifolium [swamp and lake wetlands; in still or slowly flowing water]
Myriophyllum variifolium var. microphyllum [swamp and lake wetlands; in still or slowly flowing water]
Myriophyllum verrucosum - Red Watermilfoil [seasonal, swamp and lake wetlands]
